Yamilée Toussaint presents at last year's Falling Walls Engage
9 November 2024 | 16:30 - 17:00

Dance as a Spark for Scientific Curiosity

Who says scientists can't dance? Discover how the rhythm of dance can ignite the spark of scientific curiosity in young minds. Join us to see STEM in a whole new light!

Join us for an enlightening exploration at the intersection of dance and STEM! In this captivating talk, we will delve into how the dynamic blend of dance and STEM can kindle a deeper interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics among young girls. Our unique approach integrates the expressive power of dance with the rigorous principles of STEM to create an educational experience that is not only engaging but also empowering.

Participants will discover how abstract STEM concepts can be transformed into tangible, relatable experiences through the art of dance. By choreographing routines that incorporate mathematical patterns or creating costumes equipped with electronic circuits, girls gain hands-on experience that enhances their understanding and retention of STEM subjects. This method demystifies complex topics, making them accessible and appealing.

Moreover, the artistic dimension of dance encourages students to express themselves creatively, fostering a joyful and expressive learning environment. This positive association with learning sustains interest and motivates continued exploration in the STEM fields. Our talk will feature specific examples from our programs, showcasing how art-integrated learning strategies can draw more young girls into STEM, nurturing the next generation of innovative leaders who are as confident in their creativity as they are in their technical skills.

Attendees can expect an engaging session filled with insights, practical examples, and the opportunity to see how the fusion of art and science not only educates but also inspires. Join us to see how we're dancing our way to a brighter, more inclusive future in STEM! 

Sa., 11/09/2024 - 16:30 Sa., 11/09/2024 - 17:00

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  • No registration required.
  • FORUM event in Säälchen.
  • Wheelchair accessible.

Event Location

Holzmarkt 25
Holzmarktstraße 25
10243 Berlin