What is your decision space when the guidelines fail to align? How do you navigate the tension between external rules and your inner compass when the path forward isn’t clear or justified?
© Gordian Overschmidt
10 November 2024 | 14:00 - 15:30

Forward, Backward, or Sideways… what is your decision space when the guidelines fail to align?


Join us for an immersive event exploring decision-making, experience-based insights, and the role of "common sense" in shaping our choices.

Forward, Backward, or Sideways...

How decision spaces guide us, and why common sense does not only sometimes work.

As part of Berlin Science Week 2024, this event will focus on "Common Sense" and explore the mechanisms and factors influencing decision-making. This topic is fascinating and highly relevant to our everyday lives. How do different experiences expand or limit our physical and mental decision space? Moreover, what role does "common sense" play in everyday and significant decisions? We will delve into these questions, connecting the event to your personal and professional interests.

Using interactive elements and personal biographical insights, we will make the concept of decision-making tangible. We will explore questions such as: Can you learn how to make decisions? What happens when the available options are insufficient? What if we are offered simple answers that do not solve our problems?

Participants will embark on a brief "experience run" that makes decisions' complexity tangible. Following this, we will talk with experts whose decision spaces have shifted over time – and beyond the norm.

This event is for anyone looking to rethink and experience decision-making from a new perspective.

So., 11/10/2024 - 14:00 So., 11/10/2024 - 15:30

Zurück zur Übersicht

FORUM event in the Salöön.

Wheelchair accessible.

Event Location

Holzmarkt 24
Holzmarktstr. 25
10243 Berlin