Large forest with tall trees and people sitting on the ground at the base of the trees
© Tourism Ireland
5 November 2024 | 18:00 - 20:00

From Worriers to Warriors: How Nature can Change the World

Embassy of Ireland, Berlin

Join us at the Irish Embassy Berlin for an interactive evening exploring how nature can save the world.

Scientists will share examples celebrating the power & wonder of nature in Ireland and Germany.

The Embassy of Ireland is excited to collaborate with scientists from the University of Galway on our 2024 Berlin Science Week event “From Worriers to Warriors: how nature can change the world”.

Blending discussion with opportunities to share actions, Dr Gesche Kindermann and Dr Jessamyn Fairfield will join Dr Claire Murray to explore guests’ questions and concerns about the environment and the climate crisis.

Combining creativity with climate action and science engagement, our panelists have explored many benefits of spending time in nature as well as unique ways of communicating and understanding the climate crisis. They will share (unexpected) ways to assuage these fears, as well as focusing on how we can take action.

There are many overlaps between the power and wonder of nature in Ireland and Germany, so we will also invite guests to share their favourite ways to connect with nature and take respite from the bustling city of Berlin. Through our event, we will create a shared map of favourite places in and around the city (and further afield) to connect with nature and reap the wide-ranging benefits for both our physical and mental health.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Di., 11/05/2024 - 18:00 Di., 11/05/2024 - 20:00

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  • Registration needed.
  • Wheelchair accessible. 
  • Valid photo ID required for access.

Event Location

Embassy of Ireland in Berlin
Jägerstraße 51
10117 Berlin